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MEETUP – Make your GitHub profile | Between Technology

Escrito por Departamento PEOPLE | 12-jul-2018 9:34:47


At BETWEEN we have conducted our first meetup together with Ubiqum Code Academy. The subject we chose for this first meetup was “Make your GitHub profile get you a job”. And the truth is that you’re your profile in this platform can tell a lot about yourself. In this post you’ll be able to watch a summary of this event and you’ll get to know the opinion of its main participants.


Your GitHub profile tells a lot about yourself

A well-taken care of GitHub profile can open up the doors of your professional future, since it is the best showcase for presenting your projects in a fast and professional way at a job interview.

22 people from the new technologies sector attended this first meetup, which counted on the collaboration of Alex López, Ubiqum Code Academy’s COO, and Vanessa Ron, IT Talent Acquisition at BETWEEN. Alex has explained during the first 20 minutes why GitHub is a basic tool that allows you to build a Portfolio that will be attractive both to companies and recruiters.


Alex López - Ubiqum Code Academy’s COO

“It has been a great meetup. We have learned from BETWEEN’s experience. At a personal level, I think some of the real cases have been really funny, as well as the explanation of things that you MUST NOT do at an interview. Companies dedicated to hiring are usually famous for showing very little humanity in their selection processes, but in this case, we have seen that BETWEEN focuses on the individual and on how to help him/her.”


As for Vanessa, she has explained to us, from the recruiters’ point of view, how to optimise our CV and how to face an interview, whether we have experience in the new technologies sector or not. In addition, she has provided all kinds of examples including some real cases with the aim of orienting attendees and proving that knowledge and skills count, but that attitude is determining at a job interview.


Vanessa Ron - Talent Acquisition Specialist at BETWEEN

“I think that a meetup is a good format for letting people learn more about selection processes at BETWEEN at the same time that it allows us to share how we, as Talent Acquisition, live the process from the other side. It is a good moment too for giving professionals some tips or guidelines that may seem obvious at first, but that in the end you see that they aren’t as obvious as you thought they were. Additionally, sharing the meetup with Ubiqum was very positive, especially being able to get to know their activity in depth and having the possibility to explain the importance of GitHub in the present-day market.


Video summary of our meetup