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Published at 29 / enero / 2020

The CEO of the future | Between Technology

The CEO of the future | Between Technology


The business world of day comes with new challenges, in keeping with these new times. As we have seen in previous posts, we live in a changing environment and if we don't want to be left behind, we have to prepare ourselves. In this context, the role of the CEO is essential. That's why today we are going to talk to you about the ideal profile when it comes to the significant challenge of taking the helm of a successful company.
Technology represents a crystal ball we can look in when it comes to predicting the future. The CEOs of companies in this sector, and specifically emerging and modern start-ups, are an example of modernity and broadness of vision when it comes to running a business. There are many conclusions that can be drawn by observing how they meet the demands of the modern company. Among these, the first to consider is the importance of knowing how to deal with the new demands of the market.

The key to this lies in three concepts: flexibility, agility and resilience. Flexibility implies having a dynamic structure, far from the obsolete methods of yesteryear. This idea is also related to agility: this will help to not miss the boat as regards new trends and to always be attentive to new developments in order to figure out how to adapt. The third pole this triumvirate is resilience, which means adding strength to flexibility, thus achieving the best response to changes.

What role does the CEO have in this scenario?

The CEO's contribution is essential in order for each of the parts of a company to work perfectly. It isn't just a question of supervising, overseeing and making the right decisions, but also of knowing how to lead. It is well-known that a company's human capital is one of its main assets. That is why it is vital to be familiar with the factors that effective leadership entails, one which combines the well-being of staff with the objectives of the company.


The cornerstones of the new leadership

Current trends in team management are opting for a different kind of leadership, one which prioritises recognising talent in order to be able to retain it and extract its full potential. These are some of the key points in order to understand leadership of the future:

• Efficient communication. It is essential that communication flows within the company, not only from top to bottom, but in every direction. The leader of the future will be assertive and a natural communicator, with charisma and the ability to get the best out of each person so as to create the best team

• Creativity. Fostering creative environments is one of the keys to success. It isn't for nothing that it is one of the resources used by large corporations in order to remain at the forefront when it comes to innovation. It is well-known that Google allows each employee time to explore and research areas they themselves are interested in. This atmosphere of openness to creativity has led to the emrgence of great ideas and projects.

• Recognition. This is about knowing the profile of the employees, knowing what each of them can contribute and recognising their strengths. The new leadership is constructed from within, recognising people and placing them at the centre. An employee who feels valued will exponentially increase their involvement in the company. Their value proposals grow at the same time, with the consequent benefit both for the work environment and for the interests of the company.

• Collaboration. These days, multiple tools exist which promote collaborative work and improve teamwork. In addition to individual contributions, the potential of a team which cooperates harmoniously is invaluable. In addition, this is closely related to creativity and communication, mentioned above.

• Transformation. The concept of transformational leadership is increasingly a factor in new team management approaches. Leading to transform implies all of the above: recognising talent, facilitating creativity and collaborative work so as to advance towards change in organisations.

• Motivation. This is one of the main objectives when it comes to leading a team. Knowing how to motivate means being inspiring and capable of generating enthusiasm for the project and for what each person can contribute to it. Gone are the leadership models based on authority. Nowadays, and especially in contexts related to technology, it is essential to know how to motivate in order to advance in the same direction and achieve success

Challenges for the new CEO

The CEO of the future will need to be able to manage a complex reality, where there is significant competition and the future is uncertain. If we look at the skills they need to possess, they can be broken down into three:

• Being able to lead teams. As already stated, this is one of the skills required of the CEO of the future. A great company is nothing without its human capital and the enormous potential that it contains.

• Commitment to innovation. R + D + I is more than an acronym, it is essential for organisations of the future. Anticipating changes and leading new technology projects is the best guarantee of success.

• Applying technology in order to make better decisions. The possibilities offered by Big Data and artificial intelligence should not be underestimated. The huge amount of data currently available can be an engine of change that allows for better decision-making as regards the business. It is important that this be kept in mind if you are to be among those who will lead the companies of the future

That's why at BETWEEN, we are committed to the best talent led by people with a vision for the future and focused on improving day by day. If you want to be part of one of our teams, you can see all the offers that we have available for you to develop your best talent.

Tags: Talent

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