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7 tips and keys for teleworking | Between Technology

Escrito por Paula Mori | 28-may-2020 11:04:53

Teleworking is a reality to which more and more companies are adapting in recent years. Although it is something that many companies were already implementing in their routines, due to the current situation many other companies have had to adapt to this work method as a prevention and safety measure for their workers. The advance in new technologies, mainly the Internet, has made possible the option of being able to work from home.
Today, thanks to the technological resources provided by our organization, many people can do the same job without having to go to the office. But, although we may think that everything is advantages and comforts, the truth is that it requires an adaptation process that is not always easy. That is why we wanted to share the keys and some tricks for you to implement when you have to telecommute. Take note!


Despite the fact that working at home allows more freedoms than working in person at the office, it is best to take it as rigorously as being away from home. It can be a little tempting to work in pajamas, but to be efficient, it is totally prohibited. Taking off your pajamas will also help you get rid of that feeling of laziness. It is not necessary to dress in a jacket and tie, but the most recommended to face teleworking is to dress in comfortable street clothes (although they are a little more informal than what we would normally wear to the office). Believe it or not, this will make you more prepared and predisposed to work..


At home you don't have colleagues or bosses around, so your own supervisor is you. But the fact that nobody is watching you is not an excuse to relax. Therefore, it is convenient that before you start you set a time and stick to it. Despite having more freedom, you should not leave until tomorrow what in the office you would close today. In the end, this is a great self-discipline task for you to do.


Just like working in pajamas, working from the couch or from bed can be tempting, but it is also one of the things that is totally prohibited in teleworking. Although it may depend on each person's home, it is appropriate that you try to create a small office or a study where you can establish your workplace. Donate it with everything you need and make it as comfortable as possible, because in that space you will spend a large part of the day. In this way, you will assimilate that environment with having to work, just as we assimilate the sofa for leisure or rest.



As we have seen in the previous points, it is very important to consider the activities that you are going to face, as well as it is necessary to make brief breaks in order to clear ourselves and improve our productivity. Working at home can be very absorbing because it can seem like your availability is permanent. That is why it is important to respect your workday by adding little necessary breaks. Being in front of the computer all day can be very tired and produce a feeling of overwhelm, so to improve your performance at work, it is recommended that you take short breaks throughout your workday.


It is true that organizing and planning tasks is really useful even if we are not teleworking, but in this case, it will help us to be more disciplined. There are thousands of online applications and tools to organize our deadlines for tasks, although if you prefer, you can also choose the classic “to do list” with pen and paper. The point is that you set a deadline for your obligations, taking into account if you have meetings or other activities, and always try to meet it.


One of the most positive things that working in the offices brings us is communication with your coworkers and socializing. Being at home can generate a feeling of loneliness and be disconnected from others. Therefore, it is important that, even if you do not see your colleagues every day, you maintain fluid contact and communication. With the tools that the Internet provides us, it becomes very easy! Whether by Whatsapp, making meetings by video call, by the different social networks, etc.


In teleworking, video calls become a constant. Although we may think that we know how to face them, there may be aspects that escape us. It is important that we take into account things such as lighting, our presence, the space from which we speak ... You can read more about how to prepare for work videocalls in that article that we shared with you a few weeks ago.  


In BETWEEN we provide all the technological resources available to our workers in order to continue offering the best service to our clients.